Water/Wastewater Services

City Office Business Hours are 8:00 am - 12:00pm and 1:30 - 5:00 pm Monday thru Thursday and 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Friday. Closed on Holidays.  City Hall is located at 401 Broadway Ave. 


Service interruptions that occur during normal working hours for water or sewer service should be reported to the Public Works Operator at 308 Broadway, 605-757-6553 or 605-212-9368 or the Finance Office at 605-757-6555.  Interruptions that occur during evenings or weekends should be reported to Ryan Nussbaum 605-212-9368 or if Ryan can't be reached call Mayor Carl Moss at 605-212-6003.

Billing questions should be directed to the Finance Office at 401 Broadway, 605-757-6555 or email vspringscity@alliancecom.net

Water and sewer utilities are provided by the City of Valley Springs.  Application for services must be made at the City Office, 401 Broadway, 757-6555.

A $70 water deposit is required upon application along with a picture I.D.